Der vielbeschäftigte Ken Stringfellow (unter anderem Gründer der Power-Pop-Legende The Posies, Mitglied bei der Big Star Reunion, Tourgitarrist von R.E.M. und natürlich auch Solokünstler) kommt heute abend zum allerersten Mal mit seiner neuen Band The Disciplines nach Deutschland und spielt auf dem 8. Fucking Pop Festival gemeinsam mit The Audience im Bang Bang Club.
Da der taz-popblog auch noch für das Plattenauflegen zuständig ist, gibt es bei Mail an ihle.christian at auch noch Freundeslisteplätze (3 € vor 22h, dann 5 €, nach den Bands wieder nur 3 € Eintritt). Einfach kurz Vor- und Nachnamen mailen.

Doch nun zu Ken Stringfellows Lieblingsplatten:
1. your three favourite Punk singles/songs?
Can „What Do I Get“ be beaten? Doubt it. It’s as pure as Bach. The Dead Kennedys were beloved to me, and I loved the B-side of one of the „Bleed for Me“ single, a track called „Life Sentence“ …“Now you’re an adult, you’re BORING!…say you’ll break out…but you never do…you’re just another ant…IN THE HILL“ etc etc. It never got more punk to me than Black Flag…they were just energy energy energy…so, ‚My War‘ as an album and as a song, is pretty much essential.
2. a record that will make you dance?
Pretty hard to resist the Gossip.
3. the worst band around?
I don’t like to say bad things about people.
4. your favourite song by The Smiths?
Oh shit! Impossible. when i saw them live, they opened with ‚Still Ill’…that was quite lovely…and it’s a good one. I love all the weepy ones…“well I wonder“ etc.
5. your favourite power pop record?
What is power pop? W.A.S.P.? they’re pretty powerful.
6. your favourite song by Pete Doherty (The Libertines, Babyshambles)?
„Up the Morning“ is quite epic.
7. the best concert you ever attented?
Wow. Well, Neil Young & Crazy Horse, w/Oasis opening, in Buenos Aires was incredible. I watched NY&CH from the side of the stage, high fiving the Gallagher Bros….
8. your favourite german song/record?
fully German language? I mean, german language song is gonna be like „Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand“. But, as far as German bands/artists go, I really dig „The Legendary Eifel Tapes“ by Subterfuge…sure, I love Can and Amon Düül and Kraftwerk, like the next guy, but I am more excited about the living than the dead.
9. a record that evokes the greatest summer of your life?
I’ve had a lot of great summers. In many ways, life keeps getting better…so what was the record of last summer? well, I sort of didn’t have one this summer. What a lame answer. But this summer I was making music, more than listening to it…I hope those records give me good memories later.
10. a song you wish you’d made yourself?
„Hide and Seek“ by Imogen Heap. Holy smokes.
11. your favourite record of all time?
I am a very restless type. I am always looking for new things. And things that sounded so good to me once…well…they fade, and are replaced by new things. I love the things I loved when I was a teenager *in theory*…but do I pull those records out? Never. I listen to something I haven’t heard yet. And for that moment, if the moment is good, it’s my favorite thing of all time…as, time only exists in that moment.