vonChristian Ihle 18.05.2008

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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Zwölf Fragen zum eigenen Plattenschrank an den Singer/Songwriter und Wahlnewyorker

1. Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?

1 I could be with you in another world but not this one BY RICHARD HELL
2 china girl BY IGGY POP
3 I wanna be sedated BY THE RAMONES

2. The best band/artist in New York right now?

holly miranda also from the band “the jealous girlfriends”

3. Your favourite song by Pete Doherty?

The man who would be king BY THE LIBERTINES

4. Leonard Cohen or Bob Dylan – which one do you prefer and why?

impossible to choose

5. What’s the best song/album to drink wine to?

anything by Satie

6. The last record you bought?

In Rainbows by radiohead

7. The best folk song?

Landslide by FLEETWOOD MAC

8. Your favourite movie?

The Music Lovers by Ken Russell

9. A record that will make you dance?

Different Class by PULP

10. Your favourite song by The Smiths?

Well I wonder

11. Your favourite german song/record?

Neon Lights by KRAFTWERK

12. Your favourite record of all time?

Olivia Newton John’s “Greatest Hits”

Das selbstbetitelte Debütalbum von Scott Matthew ist bereits erschienen und im Handel erhältlich.

Scott Matthew im Popblog:
* Album des Monats März: Platz 2
* I Predict A Riot 2008: Singer/Songwriter

Scott Matthew im Netz:
* MySpace


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