“In fact, ‘Dig Your Out Soul’ was an album of firsts – first (…), in the shape of the swoony Technicolor, Lennon-indebted “I’m Outta Time”, to have its finest moment penned by the younger Gallagher. Given that ‘Definitely Maybe’s “Slide Away” is a song so utterly astonishing it was written by God itself (with harmonies arranged by Buddha and a guitar solo by Zeus), it’s not the best Oasis song ever written. But it’s certainly second best. As instantly familiar as the soundtrack to a British Gas ad yet as intoxicating as red wine and dark, rich skunk, it actually makes me unhappy to come into work everyday and sit besides the plebs who didn’t vote it Track Of The Year.
At last a song has arrived to lead us out of the Darkness and into Galilee, but all they want to do is listen to fucking Fleet Foxes.
It’s like choosing dry crackers over angel pussy.”
(NME-Redakteur und Freund von Engelsgenitalien, James McMahon, gefällt die neue Oasis-Single recht gut, findet aber das Abstimmungsverhalten seiner NME-Kollegen suboptimal)
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