vonChristian Ihle 10.07.2009

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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Die New Yorker Singer/Songwriterin hat vor wenigen Tagen ihre Debüt-EP veröffentlicht. Aber was hört der künftige Superstar selbst am liebsten?lissy trullie

* your three favourite Punk singles/songs?

Lexicon Devil – the Germs,
Eve of Destruction – Johnny Thunders,
Punk Rock Girl – Dead Milkman

* a record that will make you dance?

I can’t dance.

* the best band in New York right now?

They are all so different I don’t think I can name a best. That would be inaccurate.

* your favourite song by The Strokes?

Killing Lies or Someday

* your favourite song lyrics?

Anything by Tupac

* which song about New York do you like and why?

‘New York I Love You’ by LCD Soundsystem. I think it illustrates exactly what it’s like to love and hate New York.

* your favourite song by Pete Doherty?

Stair Way To Heaven…he wrote that right?

* your favourite german record?
Rammstein – Du Hast

* your favourite record of all time?

Flo Jo 1988 Summer Olympic’s 200 meter dash.


Lissy Trullies EP “Self Taught Lerner” ist bereits ende Juni erschienen.


self taught lenrern

Lissy Trullie im Netz:

* MySpace


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