Jaja, die schottischen Melancholiker. Nachdem die Labelkollegen von Frightened Rabbit sich weigerten, Fragen nach ihren liebsten Punksongs zu beantworten, haben The Twilight Sad zwar den Punk im Blut, werden aber um nichts in der Welt die Tanzfläche besuchen:
* Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?
** the dead boys – ain’t it fun
** the stooges – search and destroy
** joy division – twenty four hours
* A record that will make you dance?
* Your favourite song lyrics?
i don’t really have any, seen as it’s summer, these lyrics are quite good (Arab Strap – The First Big Weekend, Anm.)
„It was a good night – everyone was nutted and I ended up dancing with some blonde girl.
I thought she had been quite pretty until last night when Matthew informed me that she had, in fact, been a pig.“
from the same song –
„and later that evening Malcolm introduced me to the power of Merrydown – 1.79 a litre, 8.2% – mmmm…..“
**translation =
nutted – pretty much wasted/off your face on drugs and alcohol
pig – farm animal built of mainly bacon and sausages/ugly girl
merrydown – cider that teenagers and homeless people would consume
* The best “new” band right now?
not sure, I know they’re not very new but I’ll say Liars, maybe Beak>, or These New Puritans?
* The best song this year so far?
im not too sure what’s came out this year, „And the world laughs with you“ by Flying Lotus or „Kasia“ by Rolo Tomassi
* Your favourite song by Pete Doherty?
* A record to get drunk to?
every record by The Fall
* Glasvegas – what do you think about them?
* The best scottish band ever?
* The most overrated band/artist?
pretty much the majority of stuff around just now is overrated.
* Your favourite german song/record?

i don’t have a favourite, there’s too many, i’ll just say Zuckerzeit by Cluster
* Your favourite record of all time?
i don’t have one
(Antworten: Gitarrist Andy MacFarlane)
Am 1. Oktober ist die neue EP von The Twilight Sad, „The Wrong Car“ erschienen:

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