Mit ihrem Debütalbum „Bravo“ gelang Friska Viljor einst sogar der Sprung in die Jahres-Top-Ten des Popblogs dank brillanter Songs wie „Shotgun Sister“:
Etwas weniger frenetisch gibt sich Album Nummer 3 vier, das wie die Vorgänger in Richtung Decemberists und Arcade Fire schielt. Die beiden Schweden über ihre Lieblingsplatten:
* Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?
Tried to come up with some, but since no one of us are into punk it ended with a pass.
* A record that will make you dance?
Anything upbeat with good melodies.
* A record to get drunk to?
Same as last question.
* Your favourite song lyrics?
William The Contractor – „Above the Clouds“
Makes me cry everytime I listen to it.
* The best “new” artist / band right now?
William The Contractor
* Your favourite song last year?
It´s not from 2010, but during 2010 Glenn Gould´s version of the Goldberg Variations saved me from going mad while we were recording and mixing the album.
* The best artist in Sweden right now?
* Your favourite movie about music?

* Your favourite song about football?
Långa Bollar På Bengt
* Your favourite german song/record?
Forever Young
* Your favourite record of all time?
Hard to answer. Guess growing up makes you less black and white when
it comes to music. An album we both loved as teenagers, though: Alice In Chains – Dirt

Das neue Album von Friska Viljor „The Beginning Of The Beginning Of The End“ ist Ende März erschienen.
Auf der Bühne:
• Apr •
13 Mi
Reithalle Dresden
26 Di
Musikzentrum Hannover
27 Mi
Sputnikhalle Münster
28 Do
Luxor Köln
29 Fr
Substage Karlsruhe
• Mai •
2 Mo
Batschkapp Frankfurt am Main
3 Di
Feierwerk (Hansa 39) München
4 Mi
E-Werk Erlangen
5 Do
Astra Kulturhaus Berlin
tempus fugit!