vonChristian Ihle 12.08.2011

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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Ty Segall ist eine Ein-Mann-Garagen-Maschine. Lo-Fi und krachig, wild und ungestüm! Das erste mal ist uns Segall aufgefallen, als wir auf Youtube über das atemberaubende Video zu “#1” gestolpert sind – mindestens ebenso gut ist aber der Song selbst, der klingt, als hätte Jack White seine dancing shoes entdeckt:


* Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?

Too hard to answer… but here are three of my favorites….


** The Saints – I’m stranded
** The Crowd – Modern machine
** The Victims – Television Addict


* A record that will make you dance?

Any of the previous three!

* Your favourite song lyrics?

Too hard to answer but I think my favorite lyricist is Neil Young

* Your favourite song by Pete Doherty?

I actually am not a fan! (no offense)

* The best “new” artist / band right now?


Mikal Cronin. Pop evil genius.

* The best song this year so far?


“Fuck you” by Cee-Lo

* The Clash, The Sex Pistols or The Ramones – which one do you prefer and why?

The Ramones hands down. Tough as fuck.

* Your favourite movie about music?

Ziggy Stardust.

* Your favourite song by The White Stripes?


Ummmm probably “Broken Bricks”? That first record is a jammer…

* Your favourite song about rebellion/revolution?

Too many good ones to pick my friend.

* Your favourite german song/record?


Can – Soundtracks

* Your favourite record of all time?


Love – Forever changes


Das neue Album von Ty Segall, “Goodbye Bread”, ist bereits erschienen.


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