Am morgigen Samstag wird der Festsaal Kreuzberg zur C & C Lofi Factory, treten doch die Indiepop-Könige Crocodiles aus San Diego und die Wahl-Londoner Comanechi auf (die hervorragende yeahyeahyeahs-esque Hauptband von Akiko, die im Nebenjob wiederum bei The Big Pink auf dem Schlagzeugstuhl sitzt)!
Da die Crocodiles letztes Jahr ein tolles Album veröffentlicht haben, mit diesem Video glänzen konnten…
…und zudem kürzlich ganz hervorragend im Tandem mit Dee Dee Dum Dum von den Dum Dum Girls in der Berliner 8mmBar aufgelegt haben, dürfte ein Lieblingsplattenfragebogen sehr interessant sein:
* Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?
** Black Flag „Nervous Breakdown“,
** Ivy Green „I’m Sure We’re Gonna Make It“ and
** The Saints „This Perfect Day“, I guess.
It’s too hard to narrow down three songs!
** Sex Pistols-God Save The Queen,
** Suicide-Ghost Rider,
** Richard Hell-Blank Generation
* A record that will make you dance?
Brandon: „Rip It Up“ by Orange Juice, early Madonna, „Shack Up“ by Banbarra – stuff like that.
Charles: Bar-Kays-Soul Finger
* Your favourite song lyrics?
„I was saying let me out of here before I was even born/ It’s such a gamble when you get a face“
(Anm: Richard Hell – Blank Generation)
or perhaps,
„I thought of you as my mountain-top/ I thought of you as my peak/ I thought of you as everything I’d had but could not keep“
(Anm: The Velvet Underground – Pale Blue Eyes)
Charles: Bruce Springsteen-Hungry Heart
* Girls, Smith Westerns or Best Coast – which one do you prefer and why?
Brandon: Probably Girls, because they have the best lyrics out of the three options you gave.
Charles: Ha ha ha
* Your favourite song by Pete Doherty?
Brandon: „Tell The King“ off the first Libertines record.
Charles: For Lovers
* The best “new” artist / band right now?
Brandon: Dirty Beaches, for sure.
Charles: Teenanger
* Your favourite song about rebellion/revolution?
Brandon: „Fuck The Police“, „God Save The Queen“ or „White Punks On Hope“.
Charles: Bob Dylan-It’s Alright Ma
* Your favourite song by The Jesus & Mary Chain?
Brandon: „Happy Place“ and „You Trip Me Up“.
Charles: Reverence
* Your favourite song by the Dum Dum Girls?
Brandon: „Rest Of Our Lives“, „He Gets Me High“ or „In My Head“, which is on their upcoming record.
Charles: Rest Of Our Lives
* Your favourite movie about music?
Brandon: Documentary or with actors? Documentary would be „The Filth and The Fury“ and „La Bamba“ or „The Commitments“ for a written one.
Charles: The Great Rock N Roll Swindle
* The most overrated band/artist?
Brandon: Most British guitar music is awful at the moment. There are a few good bands but almost all of them are crap. I’m not in the business of shit talking though, so I’ll keep specific examples to myself.
Charles: White Stripes
* The best song this year so far?
Brandon: „True Blue“ by Dirty Beaches
Charles: Thee Oh Sees – Corrupted Coffin
* Your favourite german song/record?
It’s maybe a bit obvious but „Hallogallo“ off the first Neu! record. Or perhaps „Moscow“ by Wonderland.
Record/Harmonia-Musik Von,
Song/Shocking Blue-Send Me A Postcard
* Your favourite record of all time?
Brandon: This is impossible to answer but I guess it’s „Velvet Underground and Nico“.
Charles: Iggy Pop-Lust For Life
Comanechi & Crocodiles treten am 20. August im Festsaal Kreuzberg:

Im Netz:
* Wikipedia
(Photo by Alex Kacha)