aktuell auf taz.de
The movie „This Ain´t California“ was on TV here in Germany last night – great, I enjoyed it ! I could have contributed to it. I had acquired my first skateboard in Santa Monica, Ca., in 1976 and used it all summer in Vancouver, Canada AND on September 6th, 1979 in East Berlin, where the kids were amazed and thought it were a toy to push to each other! I have a photo of this. I had to „escape“ from East Berlin by skating to Check Point Charlie between midnight and 1 am. I was detained at the border for being too late to leave, but having registered with the Allies at the west check point, I managed to get out,but took a great photo of the walls and everything between them by climbing over a fence and mounting a pile of stone to take this, punishable, photo at 1 am on September 7th. I was in various German newspapers, with photo of me and my skateboard in 1979. This would have been a good 1 minute extra storyline for you! Andrew-P. Turner, born September 27, 1956 (to British parents).
Dkou! Doku! Das ist keine Doku.
Das ist ein schöner & starker Film, aber er hinterließ bei mir einen brutalsten emotionalen Kater, ob der Fiktion die drinsteckt und nicht ausgezeichnet wird. Ich fühle mich betrogen, und das ist so tragisch, denn der Film kann ja einiges!
Dear Mr Marten Persiel,
I hope you received my previous mail / commentary. I will be offering my East Berlin / Wall photos 1979-1988 for the silver anniversary exhibition next year, presuming there will be one. If you are arranging one, please let me know. Ich spreche auch Deutsch obwohl die Eltern Engländer sind!