vonChristian Ihle 07.03.2018

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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“∆ is the actual name for Alt-J, and, after three albums of underwritten, maddeningly vague nothing-pop, remains the most notable thing about them. The triangle is what you get when you tap alt-J on a keyboard; the ennui you experience explaining this tedious conceit is a neat distillation of their entire oeuvre.”

(Ben Beaumont-Thomas im Guardian)

Mit Dank an Seb!

* 500 Folgen Schmähkritik – Das Archiv (1): Musiker, Bands und Literaten
* 500 Folgen Schmähkritik – Das Archiv (2): Sport, Kunst, Film und Fernsehen


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