vonChristian Ihle 07.03.2011

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„…worse, though, are the indignities that time has wrought upon Liam’s voice. While Steve Lillywight’s production job isn’t desperately convincing, you can’t really blame him for the fact that Liam now essentially sounds like Tim Burgess, that phlegmy roar neutered to a nasal whine.

‚Different Gear, Still Speeding‘ is not a disaster: by and large it radiates the stolid competence of a band on autopilot, with a couple of flashes of likeable enthusiasm. But suggesting Beady Eye have done well by actually getting a couple of melodies together is rather like praising a once robust, now ailing relative for not shitting themselves at the dinner table.“

(Andrzej Lukowski im britischen Onlinemagazin Drowned In Sound über das Debütalbum von Beady Eye, „Different Gear, Still Speeding“)

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