Ein klein wenig rätselhaft ist es schon, warum gerade Mumford & Sons in all ihrer freundlichen Harmlosigkeit soviel Hass auf sich ziehen können, aber nach der großartigen Mark E. Smith – Schmähung und der vernichtenden Drowned-in-Sound-Kritik zwei Neuzugänge im Mumford & Sons – Schmähbackcatalog:
„Someone stuffed an unmarked pill into my hand and in my addled state, I foolishly swallowed it. Twenty minutes later my palms felt like they were made of static electricity and I couldn’t tell whether my legs were my own or someone else’s I was standing inside by mistake. Reality itself had been hacked and inverted by Lulzsec. Six hours later I lay vomiting in the mud while listening to Mumford & Sons, trying to work out which was worse.“
(Der britische Journalist und Drehbuchautor Charlie Brooker im Guardian über Mumford & Sons)
„They look like fucking Amish people. You know, them ones with the big sideys that don’t use electricity? Growing their own food and putting barns up. I need music to be a bit more sexy and played by people who look a bit fucking dangerous.“
(Liam Gallagher im Interview mit Shortlist über Mumford & Sons)
Weitere Schmähungen:
* Nr. 368: Mark E. Smith über Mumford & Sons
* Nr. 323: Drowned In Sound – Plattenreview
mit dank an philip für die Charlie Brooker Stelle!