Cartoon: Rick McKee
I just loved this one — it’s a competition for who’s bear is bigger, that old masculine competitiveness. Look, „weak“ Obama is seeking a different relationship with Putin but Obama hasn’t managed to gain control over the Neo-Cons (*) he retained in his government. They undermine him. To once again be seen as „strong“, Obama may need to act with strength in his government first, then swing around to work with Putin again to get deals done. Putin has already dressed Netanyahu and others down for unrealistic policies disturbing regional order.
I suspect that the Ukraine mess created by the Neo-Cons and Kagan family is a diversion from a host of other significant domestic messes and distracts the US group. It will settle down and we will see things revert to our domestic stalemate and
lingering economic collapse with little relief to help the suffering majority. (Jerrold Atlas/ Psychohistorian)
P.S.: Jerry lebt in NYC und Manchester/Vermont. Er versorgt mich immer wieder und gerne mal mit den Cartoons zur Lage seiner Nation. Und in der Tat, die Cartoons bilden US-Phantasien ab, eben nicht nur die des Zeichners – viel Unbewußtes, Naives, Ängstliches wird sichtbar. Momente von Wahrheit. Auf den Punkt gebracht.