vonDetlef Berentzen 21.03.2017

Dr. Feelgood

Detlef Berentzen, Ex-tazler, Autor für Funk und Print, verbreitete hier „News“ der anderen Art. Gute zum Beispiel. Machte die Welt hör-und lesbar.

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Trump hat angekündigt, die staatlichen Zuschüsse für den öffentlichen und nicht-kommerziellen Rundfunk zu streichen – damit steht auch das Aus für die “Sesamstraße” auf  der Agenda des blonden Terminators.

Now we know how low Trump can go. Supporting his base’s hatred for all things liberal, Trump has revealed his next actions destroying the powers of federal government and cutting National Public Radio (NPR) from any funding.

Indeed, Sesame Street (Big Bird!) and no “fake news” seem to offend Trump’s base. Why does truth and fabulous children’s programming threaten them? Truth isn’t what Trumo, his team, his base want. They don’t read-listen to truthful reportage. They don’t want their children to be hearing about kindness, sharing, “play nice” or anything else preferred by more evolved parents.

Following the Bannon plan and “deconstructing the Administrative State”, Trump has been cutting off limbs-heads-hearts of all icons of the more caring state – a wholesale destruction of all branches of federal governance as they “starve the beast”.

If we were foolish enough to question why anyone would see Big Bird and friends as horrible influences on children, we would reveal how sold we are on kindness, working well together, ethics and values. Trump’s base hates these traits as much as they hate all things Liberal and huge federal government-regulations-school curricula brainwashing future generations to accept-play-work with each other.

The reality that the US is about to have an Hispanic majority irks their sense of identity, privilege and exceptionalism. Thus, Trump represents this White Nationalist resurgence and revises all government spending away from traditional programs in order to give huge tax breaks to the few rich but cut all hated program spending. His flawed “Strict Father” childrearing created the monster we see, serving his personal (and his base’s) angers/hatreds.

It will grow much worse as Trump attacks all things hated while insulting long-time allies-alliances, playing with an affection for tough leader-bully Putin. Unless Trump’s appointees can rescue his slashing of all good programs (and, given Team Trump’s insertion of political commissars to watch over the better actions of appointees now termed “the Democrats”), the nation many of us love will be undone.

Poor future generations of children denied the beauty and life knowledge of so many NPR shows. Poor Big Bird. Poor us.

Jerrold Atlas, Psychohistoriker, Vermont (USA)

NPR (Jeff Rosenberg)


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