(Trump wollte mit der Tomahawk-Attacke gegen Assads Flugfeld angeblich unschuldige und „wunderbare“ Kinder retten. Auf keinen Fall aber aber sein (ramponiertes) Image! Soweit die alternativen Fakten – hier mehr zu ihrer Produktion à la mode: Wag The Dog)
How frightening reality can be when fantasy suits Trump, his base and the Republican Congress. Here we see one aspect of the ridiculous air base bombing (the planes were up and flying quickly thereafter!). Yet, it is the children that we should be worried about since they are being killed and maimed. To Assad (an „Alawite“) the rebels are „Sunnis“ and he hates them. (Jerrold Atlas, Psychohistoriker)
soundtrack: war pigs
Illustrationen: Joern Schlund und Jen Sorensen