vonBlogwart 08.06.2011

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I have left Israel almost 20 years ago. I now understand that I had to get away from the country, and I am in a state of mind and an age where I stopped apologizing for my decision.

I have left of personal reasons, and now I can see that my personal became a national scope. My departure from Israel has everything to do with the three horrible years I had spent in the Israeli army. I am not completely ready to write publicly about shooting incidents I endured during my service, but I can tell you (and it might sound sick) that this is one of these moments when a man can feel godly.

But apart from these incidents, the whole concept of an 18-year-old telling people when to work, love, fuck, breath can do to your soul what garlic can do for a lovers‘ kiss. It’s been 20 years now, another generation that goes through what I went through. Garlic can stink.


And still, with all my certainties, I still find myself in the kitchen, drying the dishes, thinking: What if I am wrong?

(to be continued….)


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