vonChristian Ihle & Horst Motor 20.02.2008

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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The Hollywood Reporter, mehr Branchenmagazin der Filmindustrie als Publikumszeitschrift, gab in seiner letzten Ausgabe einige hilfreiche Tipps für Hollywoodianer, die die Berlinale besuchen wollen. Das ist gleichermaßen amüsant wie auch überraschend pudelkernig:

The little things you’ll need to pack (and leave behind) to survive the Berlinale

Take With

* Cigarettes
Berlin’s restaurants and bars officially went nonsmoking on Jan 1. But this being Berlin, the law is more like a suggestion. Until July 1 a nice loophole means restaurateurs will not be fined for behaviour of their guests. So you can still find plenty of spots where the ashtrays remain neatly arrayed right next to the nonsmoking signs

* Bush Countdown Clock
With Dubya on its way out, it is safe again to walk the streets of Berlin without being lectured on how “you Americans” are destroying the world. Don’t get caught up in primary debates – just keep it quiet. Buy a local beer and agree you can’t wait to see the back of Bush.

* Drugs
Berlin may be the only major capital where it’s easier to get ecstasy than Excedrin. While soft-drug-laws are lenient, cold, sleep or headache medication with any juice is strictly prescription only.

Leave behind

* L. Ron Hubbards “Dianetics
The “Valkyrie” storm is over, and Berlin loves Tom Cruise again. But don’t push your luck. A Scientologist in a Brooks Brothers suit will draw more stares here than a chanting Hare Krishna. So leave the Hubbard at home and thank Xenu that the german funding bodies will probably back your film regardless.

* Fashion Sense
Berlin is the capital of casualty (some might call it sloppy). For a local, dressing up means putting on tear-free Jeans.


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