vonChristian Ihle 12.08.2008

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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Heute in unserer Radiosendung des Monats August auf ByteFM.de dreht sich alles um die Brothers & Sisters in Songtiteln.

Auf dem Debütalbum „Kick Out The Jams“ der MC5 ist vor dem ersten Song „Ramblin‘ Rose“ eine aufpeitschende Rede von JC Crawford zu hören, die sich immer wieder an die Brothers & Sisters im Publikum wendet…

(„Spliced together some misc late 60s footage (Detroit + San Fran) to the J C Crawford intro from their „Kick Out The Jams“ CD. Then added the live footage of Ramblin‘ Rose performed at Tartar Field 1970 thanks to Bedazzled.tv.“, youtube)

…und letztendlich Auslöser für die heutige Sendung war: Songs, die Brothers & Sisters in ihren Songtiteln tragen: von Blutsbrüdern, Babybrüdern und Soulbrüdern!

Gespielte Bands u.a.:
Art Brut, Blur, Dexy’s Midnight Runners, Friska Viljor, The Fuzztones, MC 5, Pavement, The Rapture, She Wants Revenge, Shock Headed Peters, The Stone Roses, The Velvet Underground, Voxtrot, The Whip, The White Stripes

12.8. 2008
17.00h – 18.00h

‚Brothers and Sisters
I wanna see a sea of hands out there.
Let me see a sea of hands.
I want everybody to kick up some noise.
I wanna hear some revolution out there, brothers
I wanna hear a little revolution.
Brothers and sisters, the time has come
For each and every one of you to decide
Whether you are gonna be the problem,
Or whether you are gonna be the solution.
You must choose, brothers, you must choose.
It takes 5 seconds, 5 seconds of decision.
Five seconds to realize that it’s time to move.
It’s time to get down with it.
Brothers, it’s time to testify and I want to know,
Are you ready to testify?
Are you ready?
I give you a testimonial! The MC 5!‘


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