Der ehemalige Chokebore-Sänger Troy von Balthazar wird Samstag abend in Berlin, Charlottenburg, ein interessantes Double Feature auffahren: nicht nur spielt er wie üblich seine Songs, nein, er stellt auch sein Buch vor. Lesung & Konzert: zwei Gründe, mal nach Lieblingsplatten zu fragen:
The three best Punksongs /-singles?
* Bad Brains: „sacred love“
* Operation Ivy (any song from their first EP)
* Chokebore: „Coat“
A record that will make you dance?
White Christmas by Bing Crosby because it makes me think of snow and in Hawaii (where I’m from) there is no snow, only in our dreams.
Your favourite song by Tocotronic?
„Hi Freaks“ because that’s when all the people in the crowd go crazy at their shows.
The worst record you bought last year?
buy a record….what’s that?
The most interesting / best „new“ band is?
The Black Pine from Los Angeles. they are pretty good.
The best song by Pete Doherty?
What’s a „Pete Doherty“? is that some kind of new flavour of coffee or something?
Your favourite songlyrics?
„Saucy“ you’d say (she’d say) and we all fell around, rolling ‚round the playground,
„Cheeky“ you’d say (she’d say) and we all fell around, rolling ‚round the playground.
….by Pete Doherty (Last Of The English Roses, Anm.)
A band that should split rather soon?
Pete Doherty
Your favourite german record ?
Boy division (any one of theirs is good)
Your favourite record of all time?
„Ziggy Stardust“ (David Bowie)
because thats the one that made me want to play the guitar and leave Hawaii and spend the rest of my life on the road writing music every day.

Troy von Balthazar tritt am Freitag, den 6.6.09, in der Schaubühne Berlin auf im Rahmen eines Konzerts mit Lesung auf.
Weitere Termine:
* 04. Jun. 2009, Lovelite, BERLIN
* 06. Jun. 2009, Studio der schaubühne, BERLIN
* 03. Jul. 2009, Schokoladen w/ Monotoni, BERLIN
Im Netz:
* Troy MySpace
* Ideal at Schaubühne
(Fotos: Sebastien B., Alden Volney)
Oh ja, Troy! Der ist toll. Ich bin richtig gespannt auf morgen!