vonChristian Ihle 11.09.2009

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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Bevor wir den heutigen Tag wieder in einer TV-Dauerschleife über jenes Ereignis verbringen ein Zitat von Quentin Tarantino aus einem Interview mit dem Rolling Stone von 2003 über den 11. September.

Man sieht – auch wenn die Welt untergeht, ist QTs erster Gedanke: “Yeah. Kenn ich schon aus “The Day After Tomorrow”!”

Rolling Stone: Has 9/11 or the war on terror had any impact on you personally or creatively?

Quentin Tarantino: “9/11 didn’t affect me, because there’s, like, a Hong Kong movie that came out called Purple Storm and it’s fantastic, a great action movie. And they work in a whole big thing in the plot that they blow up a giant skyscraper. It was done before 9/11, but the shot almost is a semiduplicate shot of 9/11. I actually enjoyed inviting people over to watch the movie and not telling them about it. I shocked the shit out of them…I was almost thrilled by that naughty aspect of it. It made it all the more exciting.”


Rolling Stone: But on some level you must have been caught up in the reality of 9/11.

Quentin Tarantino: “I was scared, like everybody else. ‘OK, what is this new world we’re going to be living in? Is it going to be fucking Belfast here?’ And I didn’t want to fucking fly nowhere. I remember thinking at the time – this was when they were shooting the Matrix sequels in Australia – ‘What if everything, all this shit, breaks out, man?’ And all that’s left in Hollywood are the Matrix people? That would be a fuckin’ drag’ (laughs).”

(zitiert via)


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