Januar 2011 hatten wir die Cloud Nothings in unserer Jahresvorausschau – und kaum 12 Monate später erscheint bereits das zweite Album der amerikanischen Band, die im Grunde ein Ein-Mann-Projekt von Dylan Baldi aus Cleveland, Ohio ist:
1. Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?
** Dow Jones & The Industrials – Indeterminism
** Electric Eels – Agitated
** Dicks – Hate The Police
A record that will make you dance?
Thin Lizzy – Jailbreak
Your favourite song lyrics?
Television – See No Evil
Your favourite song by The Strokes?
Not sure I really know any aside from Last Nite
The best “new” artist / band right now?
The Men. They can rock hard, but also are able to show restraint in interesting ways.
Your favourite song about rebellion/revolution?
Probably something by Bob Dylan
The best song last year?
The Men – Bataille
What’s your opinion on Weezer?
The same as everyone – first two albums were decent, been going downhill ever since.
Your favourite movie about music?
Standing In The Shadows Of Motown – The Funk Brothers
Your favourite book about music?
The Rest Is Noise
The most overrated band/artist?
Can’t say I think many are overrated – underrated is a different story, though.
Your favourite German song/record?
Amon Duul II – Yeti
Your favourite record of all time?
Something by Led Zeppelin or the Ramones
Das neue Album von Cloud Nothings ist im Januar erschienen: