16 Jahre nach dem letzten Album kehrten Shed Seven 2017 wieder zurück – und landeten überraschend in England tatsächlich gleich wieder in den Top Ten. In ihrer ersten Ära waren Shed Seven eines der Paradebeispiele der Second Wave Of Brit-Pop, ihr bekanntester Song dürfte bis heute „Going For Gold“ sein, ein UK-Nummer-8-Hit 1996:
* Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?
** Wire – Mannequin
** Sex Pistols – Pretty Vacant
** Killing Joke – Turn To red
* A record that will make you dance?
Death In Vegas – Aisha
* Your favourite song lyrics?
Led Zeppelin – „Bron-Y-Aur Stomp“
So of one thing I am sure,
It’s a friendship so pure,
Angels singing all around My dog is so fine
Yeah, ain’t but one thing to do
Spend my nat’ral life with you,
You’re the finest dog I knew, so fine
When you’re old and your eyes are dim,
There ain’t no old shep gonna happen again,
We’ll still go walking down country lanes,
I’ll sing the same old songs, hear me call your name
* The best “new” artist / band right now?
OK, so they have been around for a few years but still breaking through here in the UK… I just love their energy and ‚fuck you‘ attitude.
The last album ‘Wild Nights’ is brilliant from start to finish, one of the only records I can listen to all the way through…. full of massive tunes.
* Your favourite song about rebellion/revolution?
A song about the French student riots of 1968:
The Stone Roses – Bye Bye Badman
* Your favourite song this year so far?
French Press – Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever
* Your favourite movie about music?
* Blur, Oasis or Pulp – which one do you prefer and why?
The Stone Roses …. everything else was a cheap imitation
* The most overrated band/artist?
Blur, Oasis and Pulp
* The best song you’ve ever written / recorded?
Better Days from the new album …..
* Your favourite German song/record?
99 luftballoons – Nena
* Your favourite record of all time?

Led Zeppelin – Three
(Antworten: Leadgitarrist & Songwriter Paul Banks)
Das neue Shed Seven – Album „Instant Pleasures“ ist bereits erschienen:
Was ist denn das jetzt für ein unübersichtlicher Scheiß?