„Poorer still were the next generation of angst-ridden white boys. Taking the riffs and roars of metal, adding the scratches and raps of hip-hop, and upping the misogyny quota of both, a scene was born wherein shorts were acceptable stagewear. Nu-metal was a genre less suited to acoustic reinterpretation than Michael Bay is to direct Phantom Thread II. (…)
With Jonathan Davis’s whiny, whispered singing and his band’s lack of refinement starkly exposed, Korn: MTV Unplugged almost transgresses the boundaries of unintentional hilarity to become a masterpiece of a misstep. At one point, Robert Smith mooches onstage resembling The Last Days of Elizabeth Taylor for a medley in which the Cure’s In Between Days segues into nu-metal turkey Make Me Bad. (…)
With Unplugged’s credibility now in tatters, anyone could appear on it. So fewer people did. One of just three Unplugged performances in 2015 came from Placebo, who had peaked in 1998 with a song that rhymed “weed” with “need” and “dawning” with “morning”. For MTV Unplugged, we were mourning.“
(Der Guardian über den Niedergang von MTV Unplugged)
Mit Dank an Horst Motor!
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