vonChristian Ihle 12.05.2022

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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Ursprünglich sollte Evan Dando mit seinen Lemonheads die Emo-Band Jawbreaker auf Tour begleiten, doch schon nach dem ersten Stopp wurde Dando hinausgeworfen. Daraufhin griff der Pin-Up-Boy des 90s Indie-Rocks zum Twitter-Stift und war nicht mehr zu stoppen:

“I just want anyone anyone and everyone to know that Jawbreaker are pussies. Fact not my opinion.”

„I couldn’t think of any better word pardon the expression ladies women womyn … Everybody it’s not so cool to say pussies but sometimes its Unavoidable like when you’re talking or thinking about the band Jawbreaker“

„I would’ve vomited if I had to sit through another one of those Jawbreaker shows thanks for trying to kick me out during your show guys That was classy“

„I guess if the truth be known I didn’t want to be on the tour anyway . But we lost money a lot of money and that’s just impolite on their part“

„it just was not cool the way they fired us from the tour via their assistants assistant something fishy in Denmark“

„OK I’ve cleared the air just want everyone to know that we didn’t wimp out we were fired like The shitty ceramics that is their music“

„You didn’t need to deprive our fans if you wanted to fight why didn’t you say that the from beginning . I’ll meet any of you anytime“

„Cheers buddy I’ve got it off my chest I don’t think it’s good for anyone to bottle that kind of anger up and I’m done with it now but I’m ready to fight anytime you hear me Jawbreaker ?“

„Fucking bummer man even if they do love Frederick Walsh just like I do May they burn an indie rock Hell“

…aber alles endet wenigstens auf einer versöhnlichen Note:

„It’s just dawning on me how ridiculous is to be tweeting about this bullshit when there’s a war going on . I don’t want no beef with nobody including you guys Jawbreaker maybe we can do it again sometime“

P.S.: auch sonst ist der Twitter-Feed von Evan Dando durchaus erratisch:

„This is an open letter to George W. Bush I said some fucked things about you In that confusing past that was the early naughties … As a peace offering I would like you to do our album cover I like your paintings ( we can pay 10 G ). We should be finishing it this summer think about it thank you Mr. Bush“

Abgesehen von den Twitter-Scharmützeln ist gerade die Jubiläumsedition des immer noch sehr guten Lemonheads-Albums „It’s A Shame About Ray“ herausgekommen. Lohnt das Hören!

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