vonChristian Ihle 22.08.2022

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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Brian Cox, u.a. Hauptdarsteller der Serie “Succession”, in seinen Memoiren über Johnny Depp:

“Another thing with ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ is that it’s very much the ‘Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow’ show, and Depp, personable though I’m sure he is, is so overblown, so overrated. I mean, Edward Scissorhands. Let’s face it, if you come on with hands like that and pale, scarred-face make-up, you don’t have to do anything. And he didn’t. And subsequently, he’s done even less.”

…über Ed Norton und die gemeinsame Arbeit im Spike Lee – Film “25th Hour”:

“Ed Norton was in the film and he’s a nice lad but a bit of a pain in the arse because he fancies himself as a writer-director.
He and I had this scene set in the bar owned by my character. Spike set it up immaculately, but Ed came in and was saying, ‘Now, I’ve done some work on the script and I’ve got a few ideas and I’d like you to think about them. I’ve rewritten a few things in there …’
Spike was like, ‘Oh, good, let me see.’ He had a look at Ed’s notes and then said, ‘Well that’s very interesting. Okay, so what we’re going to do now is …’ and put Ed very firmly in his place.”

…über Quentin Tarantino:

“I find his work meretricious. It’s all surface. Plot mechanics in place of depth. Style where there should be substance. I walked out of Pulp Fiction…”


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