Im schönen Subgenre der Punkrock-Singer/Songwriter hat sich Wreckless Eric, der als Eric Goulden das Licht der Welt erblickte, mit „The Whole Wide World“ einen ewigen Platz im Pantheon erspielt. Dieses sich ewig aufbauende, sehnende Lied gehört zu meinen allerliebsten Songs aus dem Punkumfeld:
Nach drei Alben für das legendäre Stiff Records Label („if it ain’t Stiff it ain’t worth a f***“) nimmt Eric seitdem sporadisch immer wieder neue Platte auf und veröffentlicht nächste Woche bei Tapete Records sein neuestes Werk „Leisureland“ mit der ziemlich guten Leadsingle „Standing Water“, das mich ein wenig auch an das gelungenen Pete-Perrett-Spätwerk erinnert.
• Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?
** Oh Bondage Up Yours – X-Ray Spex
** Keys to Your Heart – The 101ers
** I Fought The Law – The Bobby Fuller Four
• A record that will make you dance?
‚Gimme Gimme Good Lovin’ by Crazy Elephant
• Your favourite song lyrics?
Anything by Pulp / Jarvis Cocker
• The best “new” artist / band right now?
Cory Hanson:
My stepdaughter plays bass with him
• Your favourite song about rebellion/revolution?
Won’t Get Fooled Again by The Who
• Ian Dury, Elvis Costello or Billy Bragg– which one do you prefer and why?
I don’t actually prefer any of them. Ian Dury was a friend and I have great respect for him but I wish he would have opened his mind to a few new ideas, and as a lyric writer I wish he could have got beyond the rhyming couplet.
I’m not really much of an Elvis Costello fan though again I have great respect for him. I liked some of his earlier work.
I liked Billy Bragg’s first album Spy vs Spy and parts of his second album. I struggle with the political significance: “I don’t want to change the world, I’m not looking for a new England, I’m just looking for another girl”. He talked the talk until it became the walk. He’s great when you hear him talking on the radio.
• Your favourite German song/record?
the Radio Activity album by Kraftwerk
* Your favourite movie about music – and why?
I don’t have one favourite, the subject matter is too wide to be able to to select a favourite. I’m not going to list some of my favourites because you’ll just cut this bit out and chose one of the ones I list, and that’ll be my favourite. But that wouldn’t be the truth. I think my answer is more interesting than your question.
* Your favourite cover artwork?

I like the lettering on the Hallmark Top Of The Pops albums.
* Your favourite record of all time?
There are several but most of them haven’t been made yet.
Das neue Album von Wreckless Eric erscheint am 25.8.
Auf der Bühne:
* 29 Aug – Hamburg, Goldener Salon (Hafenklang)
* 30 Aug – Berlin, Monarch
Ich hatte mal, so ca. I977, „SEMAPHORE SIGNALS“ auf Cassette oder Tonband, neben Patti Smith, X-Ray-Spex, Adverts und so. Starker Song, bis heute.
Schade, dass er sich keine all-time-favourite-LP getraut hat, wäre interessant gewesen.