Der schottische Singer/Songwriter Kenny Anderson aka King Creosote hat im Laufe seiner Karriere schon über 40 Alben veröffentlicht, viele davon in echtem DIY-Style: kleine Auflagen, nur persönlich erhältlich oder auf anderem Weg außerhalb der klassischen Musikindustrie-Strukturen. Seine aktuelle Platte I DES erscheint dagegen wieder auf einem größeren Player wie Domino Records und ist in seiner dronigen, reich instrumentierten, aber doch fragilen Weise eine Art Baroque-Folk-Album aus einer weirden Welt und erinnert an einen Karrierehöhepunkt wie „Astronaut meets Appleman“ (2016 hier #8 in den Alben des Jahres)
* Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?
I was 5 years too young for punk, and my mum warned me to stay well away from the local St.Andrews punk band on account of their threatening demeanour, the bondage breeks, Doc Martins, spiky hair and safety pins. The guitarist, Pete Rankin, went on to do Old Jock Radio as Les Bell.
* A record that will make you dance?
Tinseltown in the Rain, The Blue Nile.
* The best “new” artist / band right now?
I only listen to Radio 3’s ‘Night Tracks’ these days, usually when driving, so I don’t get to jot down as many names as I’d like to. For 4 years I’ve studiously avoided any and all new music so’s not to influence the recording of I DES, and now that we’re finished the album, my ears are too tired for anything other than drones.
* Your favourite song about rebellion/revolution?
I can’t think of many right now. Sinead O’Connor’s “black boys on mopeds”, does that fit the category?
* Your favourite movie about music – and why?
A Mighty Wind. For years I was caught up in that very music scene, albeit the Scottish version, and it makes me cry with laughter.
* Belle & Sebastian, Arab Strap or Ballboy – which one do you prefer and why?
Arab Strap. They invited me onto a UK tour with them, it might’ve been around the time of their album “the last romance”, and I had a right laugh. They each recorded a Christmas message for our fencezine subscribers.
* Your opinion on Morrissey?
Ah, opinions. Here in the UK opinions are allowed only if they support a particular direction of travel, the current political and social agendas. The use of adjectives can be equally hazardous. Lomond Campbell took me to see Morrissey in Hawick, what, 10 years ago, and he only spoke 3 times over the entire gig, totally hilarious, to illustrate opinions and adjectives frowned upon in some quarters even back then. The music and songs were blindingly good.
* Your favourite Scottish artist ever?
John Buchan the author.
Robert Burns the poet.
* The best song you’ve ever written / recorded?
“How I Won My Stripes” with Jo Schornikow on the ‘Jokes Without Punchlines’ EP.
* Your favourite german song/record?
After reading David Stubbs’ “1970s, Future Days: Krautrock and the Building of Modern Germany” I began buying up the music chapter by chapter, but I keep going back to the Düsseldorf compilation “Electri-city” on the Grönland label.
* Your favourite record of all time?
“Spirit of Eden” by Talk Talk.
„I DES“, das neue Album von King Creosote ist bereits erschienen: