vonChristian Ihle 11.11.2009

taz Blogs

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“Hard-eyed salarymen who second-guess their audience and churn our Carling soaked goth-lite-indie for people who value music like a free newspaper on a bus. (…)
Joy Division explored how the generation born after the Holocaust had become alienated by the pressures of modern industrialised society. In stark contrast it’s often hard to tell what Editors are all upset about – there’s even the sneaking suspicion that it might be about nothing more serious than forgetting to renew a gym membership. On top of that there’s the even worse fear that this is flat-packed gothic mood music. Ikea post-punk.

(…) It’s hard not to compare them to those other dark, lyrically vague synth titans Depeche Mode, who have never been accepted critically at home but are loved by their fans and have a strong market in Europe and America.”

(John Doran im NME)

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