vonChristian Ihle 21.12.2009

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Wer den Hintergrund zu dieser Schmähkritik verstehen oder wissen möchte, wer zum Teufel eigentlich Joe McElderry ist, lese bitte hier nach.

„They can’t be serious! I had no idea what it sounded like. It’s dreadful and I hate it. How could anyone enjoy this? Can you imagine the grandmas hearing this over Christmas lunch?

I wouldn’t buy it. It’s a nought out of ten from me. Simon Cowell wouldn’t like it. They wouldn’t get through to boot camp on The X Factor – they’re just shouting.“

(Joe McElderry in der Sun über seine Christmas-No.-1-Kontrahenten Rage Against The Machine)

* Die ersten 200 Folgen Schmähkritik
* Wer disst wen?


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