vonChristian Ihle 28.07.2010

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“John Peel would have liked this (die neue Single “Say No To Love” von Pains…, Anm.) and that’s the only positive thing I can say about it, mostly out of politeness.
It’s really, really boring, and to even call it nostalgic would be a disservice to those hundreds of jangly indie-slop bands from 20 years ago that it sounds exactly like. They’d be giving “twee” a bad name if it didn’t already have the worst name.

Edwin Congreave von den Foals zeigt sich im NME wenig begeistert von der neuen Single der New Yorker Indiepopper Pains Of Being Pure At Heart:


Mehr Foals und Pains?

* Don’t Mention The War (14): Foals über die Scorpions
* 2008 – I Predict A Riot: Foals
* 2009 – I Predict A Riot: Pains Of Being Pure At Heart


* Die ersten 300 Folgen Schmähkritik
* Wer disst wen?


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