vonChristian Ihle 15.08.2011

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“Jim Morrison was nothing more than a self-serving, deluded rock star whose musical talent and embarassing sixth-form poetry was grossly over-rated.
Neither his songs nor poetry have stood the test of time. As a vocalist he was merely offering style, no substance. Listened to today, The Doors’ brand of psychedelic-infused cock rock sounds horribly dated. (…) The Doors sounded like classic rock fodder even when they were brand new.
Morrison was an over-rated tool, fraud and charlatan, and his body of work is mediocre at best, completely irrelevant and hopelessly dated at worst.
Not only that but we have to thank him for every boho shirtless twat in sweaty leather pants trying to be all dark and brooding and sexy and shit and that is not OK.
If he hadn’t died at a young age, his death would never have been romanticised to the extent it was – and popular culture would have been all the better for it.”

(James Lee im NME)

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* Teil 2: Alle Schmähkritiken über Sport, Politik, Film & Fernsehen


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