vonChristian Ihle 03.10.2011

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“Michele Bachmann is almost certainly the funniest thing that has ever happened to American presidential politics. (…) Bachmann is a religious zealot whose brain is a raging electrical storm of divine visions and paranoid delusions. (…) And Bachmann is exactly the right kind of completely batshit crazy. Not medically crazy, not talking-to-herself-on-the-subway crazy, but grandiose crazy, late-stage Kim Jong-Il crazy — crazy in the sense that she’s living completely inside her own mind, frenetically pacing the hallways of a vast sand castle she’s built in there, unable to meaningfully communicate with the human beings on the other side of the moat, who are all presumed to be enemies. (…) this hard-charging challenger for the GOP nomination is a rare breed of political psychopath, equal parts crazed Divine Wind kamikaze-for-Jesus and calculating, six-faced Machiavellian prevaricator. (…) Bachmann, whose political strategy throughout her career has mostly revolved around having her Little House on the Never-Existed Fundamentalist Prairie sensibilities rocked by something she has read (or misread) in the news, then immediately proposing a horseshit, total-waste-of-­everybody’s-time legislative action in response.”

(Matt Taibbi im amerikanischen Rolling Stone über die mögliche republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidatin Michele Bachmann)

mit Dank an Daniel!

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