vonDetlef Berentzen 16.11.2015

Dr. Feelgood

Detlef Berentzen, Ex-tazler, Autor für Funk und Print, verbreitete hier „News“ der anderen Art. Gute zum Beispiel. Machte die Welt hör-und lesbar.

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People will cry, leaders will talk tough, security might be placed uppermost (if France now controls all its borders & checks passports). If this happens, it will be better protected. But no one can protect from these crazies – they have embraced death. They are “walking zombies” who have used all sorts of stimulants while fighting.

If it is all talk & no action, France invites the next cluster of attacks. However long from now that will be. France needs to get its legal Muslims to be part of the security by letting them know it is their responsibility as legal residents to protect the nation & it must create secure ways of informing security whenever they feel someone discomfits them. No one other than the UK is doing this, although Germany is close. Will France do so? No, I don’t believe the leaders will do much – thus, I believe they like to tool of endless threat/war to deceive their citizens.

Jerrold Atlas (Psychohistorian, Vermont, USA)

Sous le ciel de Paris


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