Now, having slayed his rivals, Donald Trump goes after Hillary, the Khans, everything. He can’t stop. He’s a con man babbling short syllable words, having the action words at the end of fractured phrases. Outrageousness gets him publicity, drives his popularity, has become an addiction for many. Some favor him but most are outraged – even the outraged become addicted. He’s our national joke.
But he’s forcing more to pay attention, be disgusted or love it. He’s forcing Americans to start thinking about the facts, start realizing how uninformed and dangerous his pithy ideas are. They’re seeing him attack the Khans – who lost their son in combat. They saw him attack McCain. They heard him attack Fiorina/Megyn Kelly/“Pocahontas“ Warren/Gazala Khan and „corrupt“ Hillary. It’s not funny anymore.
Is Donnie entertaining anymore? The torrent of abusive bullying from our reality jerk no longer amuses. The tide is turning as he displays his absolute ignorance about foreign policy. Heck, Manafort was the campaign manager for Yanukivic in Ukraine – is he feeding Trump Putin’s slop?
Check the following video out to see more on the psychology of words.
Why Donald Trump Is A Gift To Democracy
(Jerrold Atlas, Psychohistorian, Vermont, USA)