vonDetlef Berentzen 08.11.2016

Dr. Feelgood

Detlef Berentzen, Ex-tazler, Autor für Funk und Print, verbreitete hier „News“ der anderen Art. Gute zum Beispiel. Machte die Welt hör-und lesbar.

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I think I should correct an impression I may have given that the dystopian world evidenced during Trump’s campaign will end after Tuesday’s results. It won’t, although the vitriol may calm down.

Trump, after all, is the US-group’s mirror – it’s an unhealthy display of the fantasies/phantoms/fears within the group. It has nurtured those filled with fear and hatred to act out, violate traditional norms of better behavior, turn some into scapegoats for what some see as horrid arrogance by elites and exaggerates a rising meme of group distrust for politicians and government.

This will all continue – a sector in search of its next populist leader. That ought to worry everyone! The rise of the resentful will continue – a process long seen in US history. “Income inequality” is more than the term Piketty opened for us all – it is the willingness of the group to be terribly angered by absent efforts to relieve the suffering majority.

Somehow, we need to break through the wall of lies built up by the alt-Right. We cannot grow strong when so many allow their lack of knowledge or racist thinking to control the thoughts pouring forth from their mouths. Hatred, racism, misogyny fail us as a great nation. Breitbart, Limbaugh, FOX and so many hate-mongers do us all grave injustice – they sow terrible seeds of discord.

We also need to get more to understand that compromise shaped the nation to build a better state. Not imposing your absolute ideas on others. We’re better than that.


Jerrold Atlas, Psychohistoriker, Vermont/USA



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