vonDetlef Berentzen 18.11.2018

Dr. Feelgood

Detlef Berentzen, Ex-tazler, Autor für Funk und Print, verbreitete hier „News“ der anderen Art. Gute zum Beispiel. Machte die Welt hör-und lesbar.

Mehr über diesen Blog

Vermont. USA. Nach dem ersten Schnee, der ersten Freude, all dem Leuchten, dann doch wieder Verzweiflung und Ohnmacht. Wut auf das hässliche Haupt der Politik. Die Spaltung der Nation. Kaum auszuhalten. Bleibt der Blick aus dem Fenster. Und der Versuch zur Ruhe zu kommen. Für einen kurzen Moment nur.



First real snow in Vermont
Growing thicker, roads barely plowed
Life hasn’t stopped
Dangers everywhere
People arrive a bit later at work
Birds hiding, squirrels too

Many crave some attention,
off to coffee shops they go
What do they talk about?
Be sure: It’s snow!
But that will grow stale soon
Soon all start singing
a different tune
Politics will rear an ugly head
Some, sadly, might wish
someone was dead

Yet few will recognize
that they created this game
That they made the choices
now giving us pain
Fewer still understand
how groups can choose
Leaders for giving us
troubles and blues


But, right now, the whiteness
and mystery persists
As wind starts reshaping
snow into drifts
It huffs
It puffs
It dances through leaves
Even the wild turkey family flees

For awhile
A moment I sit
looking outside
The photo above
shows  what I see
All the while
contemplating thee

J. ATLAS , VT 2018


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