vonChristian Ihle 03.06.2008

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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„When we got to London (in the early 80ies, Anm.) it was all The Teardrop Explodes and Echo & The Bunnymen. Terrible. We felt let down. (…) We developed an Australian Angst: „Why have we come here and these bands are all dressing up as girls and there’s no fun?“. I thought about this again recently. I went to see the Joy Division Film „Control“ and I had no idea that being in a band in the 80s was such a miserable experience.“

(Nick Cave in einem Interview über die Zeit, in der er mit seiner berüchtigten australischen Post-Punk-Band The Birthday Party nach London gezogen war, aber knapp die richtige Punkexplosion verpasste…)

Weitere Schmähkritik von Nick Cave:
* über Paul McCartney


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