vonChristian Ihle 16.10.2008

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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In dieser Woche haben wir die neue Platte “You & Me” von The Walkmen als eines unserer Alben des Monats ausgezeichnet, nun spricht der Sänger der New Yorker Indierock-Band, Hamilton Leithauser, über seine liebsten Platten:

**your three favourite Punk singles/songs?**

* The Cramps “Human Fly
* The Mummies “Stronger Than Dirt”
* Bad Brains “Sailin’ On”

**the best song by Tom Waits?**

“Shore Leave”

**the best record to get drunk to?**

Jesus Lizard: “Goat”

**the best band in New York right now?**

The Walkmen

**a song that reminds you of New York?**

“Swine” by Crunt

**the worst band around?**

The Late Breakers

**your favourite song by Pete Doherty?**

Never heard it.

** the best song of 2008?**

“On the Water” by the Walkmen

** your favourite song by The Velvet Underground?**

“White Light White Heat”

**your favourite german record?**


**your favourite record of all time?**

“England’s Newest Hit Makers” by the Rolling Stones

(Hamilton Leithauser, The Walkmen)

The Walkmen im Popblog:
* Album des Monats September: Platz 3

The Walkmen im Netz:
* Indiepedia
* MySpace

Das neue The-Walkmen-Album “You & Me” ist am 26. September erschienen.



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