vonChristian Ihle 16.02.2009

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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Auch wir fanden den im Berlinale-Wettbewerb laufenden “Rage” von Sally Potter prätentiös und nicht wirklich gelungen, mögen aber diese schönen Worte des Hollywood Reporter über die Pottersche Polemik gegen das Modebusiness noch lieber:

“Sally Potter’s Berlin competition film “Rage” shows that no matter how shallow, pretentious, self-regarding and irrelevant the fashion industry may be, there will always be a filmmaker who is more so.

The british writer and director has taken a bad idea for a radio play and tarted it up with highly stylized video that is supposed to be the work of a kid using a mobile phone camera.
Boxoffice will be limited to members of the filmmaker’s family, if that.
Given complete rubbish to say and with such witless direction, the actors contribute uniformly the worst performances of their careers.
Many years ago, Yoko Ono made a picture in which she had people of all ages and stripes take their pants off and walk on a treadmill while she trained a motion picture camera on their naked buttocks. The entire film was a series of buttocks in motion and compared to Potter’s “Rage” it was an absolute masterpiece.”

(Ray Bennett, The Hollywood Reporter)

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