vonChristian Ihle 01.10.2009

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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“Hecker’s fifth album is so bland it manages to cross the space/time continuum and become utterly offensive again. It does so by plotting a parabolic arc from drivetime FM rock-hell (single “Misery”; how apt, dear Max) through the by-numbers MOR of “Wind Down” to a gossamer-weak, limp-wristed insult of a tune called “This House Called Love” which actually made this writer hate both houses and love. Saving graces are few except that glorious spot of silence when the record ends, and laughing at titles like “All These Cradles’ Blankets Will Never Veil My Whole Substance”. Music for idiots who wear hats and think that makes them sensitive and outré.”

(Ben Patashnik im NME über Maximilian Heckers neues Album “One Day”)

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