vonChristian Ihle 25.07.2011

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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“It was Conor Kiley of glam-metal reprobates Holy Ghost Revival who gave the world the term ‘fucking canoeing music’ to nail the flaccid faux-outdoorsy sonics of Fleet Foxes.

Fleet Foxes suck. They’re the soy-latte house band of Starbucks.

They peddle the same sort of fake-rustic rootsiness that seems to be colonising our era: all these flatpack off-the-peg dreams of Ruritania that iPad-stashing mid-lifes have taken up as a counterpoint to their rabid technophilia. They lull you in with their flawlessly polished music and hey-nonny-nonny you into a hypnagogic state, with the aim of making the world safe for the bland, the dull and the wi-fi enabled.
It’s (singer, Anm.) Pecknold’s milksop voice that dominates, to the point that the unwilling will feel like they’re listening to Crosby, Stills, Nash & A Lonely Duck.”

(Gavin Haynes im NME über das zweite Album der Fleet Foxes)

* Teil 1: Alle Schmähkritiken über Bands, Künstler und Literatur
* Teil 2: Alle Schmähkritiken über Sport, Politik, Film & Fernsehen


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