vonChristian Ihle 04.08.2015

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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Mit „New Noise“ und dem dazugehörigen Mutteralbum „The Shape Of Punk To Come“ hat sich die schwedische Punk/Hardcore-Band Refused einen ewigen Platz im Pantheon der jüngeren Rockvergangenheit erspielt.


Nachdem sich die Band 1998 in Streit und Frustration aufgelöst hatte, gründete Sänger Dennis Lyxzen die International Noise Conspiracy, die musikalisch etwas konservativer im Garagen Rock der 60er verhaftet war, aber textlich nicht minder kämpferisch auftrat (siehe Smash It Up und Capitalism Stole My Virginity).


Für einiges Aufsehen sorgte dann die überraschende Reunion für eine handvoll Liveshow vor drei Jahren, die letzten Endes tatsächlich in einem neuen Album diesen Sommer mündete. Neben großer Freude über neuen Lärm wurde die Wiedervereinigung allerdings auch kritisch betrachtet, hatte Lyxzen doch einst in einem denkwürdigen Abschiedsbrief unter dem Titel „Refused Are Fucking Dead“ damals verkündet, dass Refused sich nie in den Reunion-Zirkus begeben würden:

This is the last that we have to say about it, WE WILL NOT GIVE INTERVIEWS TO STUPID REPORTERS who still haven¥t got anything of what we are all about, we will never play together again and we will never try to glorify or celebrate what was. All that we have to say has been said here or in our music/manifestos/lyrics and if that is not enough you are not likely to get it anyway. WE THEREFORE DEMAND THAT EVERY NEWSPAPER BURN ALL THEIR PHOTOS OF REFUSED so that we will no longer be tortured with memories of a time gone by and the mythmaking that single-minded and incompetent journalism offers us. Instead we need to look forward. We got everything to win and nothing but our boredom to lose.

Aber kaum vergehen 17 Jahre, schon sieht man die Lage der Dinge offensichtlich anders.

* Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?


** Bad Brains ”Pay to cum”
** Earth Crisis ”Firestorm”
** Blitz ”Never Surrender / Razors in the Night”


* A record that will make you dance?

I dance to hiphop, Kendrick, J. Cole, anything Kanye West puts out, the new Adam Tensta. Wu tang if I’m drinking

* Your favourite song lyrics?


Just thought of Joni Mitchell, when she goes:
”Oh the power and the glory, just when you’re getting a taste for worship they start bringing out the hammers and the boards and the nails”, can’t remember the name of the song, but it’s about how what you want never is what you think it is.

* The best “new” artist / band right now?


Courtney Barnett
Her songs already feel like they’ve always been there.

* Your favourite song about rebellion/revolution?


”Fables of Faubus” Charles Mingus (the ”Original Faubus Fables“ version, on Candid)

* Your favourite song last year?


Gridlink ”Constant autumn”

* MC 5, Minor Threat or Nation Of Ulysses – which one do you prefer and why?


Minor Threat, because no matter how many times people name-drop them or put their logo on their jackets, when I listen to them they still feel like my band. I don’t know why that is.

* Your favourite movie about music?

The Dean Martin movie they’ll eventually make from Nick Tosches ”Dino”

* The best song you’ve ever written / recorded?

I produced a song called ”Sucking the cocks of the parasites” by a band called The Vectors which I pretty much consider the pinnacle of my career. It’s on Spotify.

* Your favourite german song/record?


Cluster, „Hollywood“, off of „Zuckerzeit“

* Your favourite record of all time?

„The shape of jazz to come“, been listening to it alot again now that Ornette died, and it really is a work of genius.

(Antworten: David Sandström / Refused)

Das neue Album von Refused, „Freedom“, ist bereits erschienen:



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