Viele Regeln hat David Bowie im Laufe seiner langen Karriere gebrochen. Dass Bowie selbst mit 17 (und noch unter seinem Geburtsnamen David Jones) schon gegen Konventionen rebellierte, zeigt dieses Video, in dem er im britischen Fernsehprogramm BBC Tonight als Gründer der Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Long-Haired Men interviewt wird:
“I think we’re all fairly tolerant, but for the last two years we’ve had comments like ‘Darling!’ and ‘Can I carry your handbag?’
Momente, für die YouTube erschaffen wurde!
Im Evening News and Star erschien zur gleichen Thematik auch der folgende Artikel, in dem die „Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Long-Haired Men“ noch ihren ersten, umständlicheren Namen „The International League For The Preservation Of Animal Filament“ trug:
Are you hairy? If so, are you proud of being hairy and want to remain hairy? And are you tired of people making fun of you? If so, join a new society formed just for you and other hirsute folk – the International League for the Preservation of Animal Filament.
“It’s really for the protection of pop musicians, and those who wear their hair long,” explained the founder and president, David Jones, of Plaistow Grove, Bromley. “Anyone who has the courage to wear hair down to his shoulders has to go through hell. It’s time we united and stood up for our curls.”
David, who leads a professional pop group called The Manish Boys, is in process of enrolling members.
“Screaming Lord Sutch, P.J. Proby, The Pretty Things and, of course, The Stones and The Beatles – we want them all as members. You’ve no idea the indignities you have to suffer just because you’ve got long hair,” said David, who gave up commercial art to go into the pop business. “Dozens of times I’ve been politely told to clear out of the lounge bar at public houses. Everybody makes jokes about you on a bus, and if you go past navvies digging in the road, it’s murder!”
The International League for the Preservation of Animal Filament will give long-haired lads a sense of belonging, he thinks. It will fight their causes and encourage them when too many people are poking fun.
I’ve heard a rumour from Ground Control
Oh no, don’t say it’s true!
Always Crashing In The Same Car