vonChristian Ihle 31.10.2023

Monarchie & Alltag

Neue Bands und wichtige Filme: „As long as the music’s loud enough, we won’t hear the world falling apart“.

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“According to the book ‘Bronson’s Loose’ by Paul Talbot, the original working title “Death Wish III” was changed to “Death Wish 3″ because The Cannon Group, Inc. conducted a survey and found that nearly half of the U.S. population could not read Roman numerals.”

(imdb-Trivia zu Charles Bronsons Death Wish 3)

Jon Bon Jovi:

“Liam Gallagher was giving me nuisance phone calls for over a decade. God knows how he got my number. He would ring at 3 or 4 in the morning, just to tell me my music was shit.
Sometimes he would call me the bastard son of Richard Branson and other times he would shout
“Lionhead” down the phone until I hung up. In the end I offered to pay him $500,000 and begged him to stop. He told me to “eat shit.”

(Jon Bon Jovi erzählt von Liam Gallagher)

“Yet the release of “Eccojams” also a Big Bang: it was the dawn of vaporwave, a genre of electronic music obsessed with aestheticizing relics of the recent past. Attempting to define vaporwave is sort of humiliating: like most Web-based phenomena, it deploys an idiosyncratic grammar that remains mostly inscrutable to anyone who has recently gone outside.”

(The New Yorker über Oneohtrix Point Never & das Genre Vaporwave)


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