Dieses Wochenende hat The Hunger Games in der US-Filmindustrie für verblüffte Gesichter gesorgt und selbst die hohen Erwartungen hinsichtlich der Wiederholung der Twilight-Erfolge praktisch pulverisiert – das drittbeste (nicht inflationsbereinigte) Startwochenende der Filmgeschichte ist zu verzeichnen. Batman, Harry Potter und The Hunger Games heißt es nun auf dem Startwochenendentreppchen.
Inhaltlich war aber nicht jeder begeistert:
“You know the feeling you get when you wrap a waist belt around your femoral artery and tauten it until you start to experience fatigue, discomfort, and extreme frustration? Such is the sensation derived from viewing the lavishly praised and mega-hyped adaptation of The Hunger Games. (…) Director Gary Ross orchestrates the action and the human drama accordingly, falling into nearly every trap of lazy storytelling and phony sentiment that he sets for himself. (…) The Hunger Games falls short in pursuing all available avenues: It isn’t convincing enough to move those looking for naked emotion, political enough to please those in search of biting commentary, nor even stirring or hard-boiled enough to masquerade as a serviceable action vehicle. Those who had been expecting this to be our generation’s Blade Runner will quickly find themselves struggling with the same reality that befell those who were once convinced that M. Night Shyamalan would be the next Hitchcock.”
(Asawin Suebsaeng in MotherJones)
* Teil 1: Alle Schmähkritiken über Bands, Künstler und Literatur
* Teil 2: Alle Schmähkritiken über Sport, Politik, Film & Fernsehen