High Vis waren eine der britischen Gitarrenbands, die Ende letzten Jahres für das meiste Raunen gesorgt hatte. Hört man die Gruppe aus Liverpool erstmals ohne irgendein Vorwissen, würde man nicht zwingend vermuten, dass sie ihre Wurzeln im US-Hardcore-Punk haben. Zwar ist sicher Wut & Aggressivität auch noch in ihrem zweiten Album „Blending“ zu spüren, doch die großen Refrains können auch an eine rauhere Variante der (frühen!) Oasis erinnern, die Drums an Madchester, die Intonation der Lyrics an Post-Punk.
In einem Guardian-Interview nimmt Sänger Graham Sayles darauf auch Bezug: „In hardcore you can hide behind just shouting, ’cause anger’s an easy emotion to go to. Recording „Blending“ I’d end up trying to be more tuneful – or more vulnerable, I guess is the term. It’s super liberating“.
Your three favourite Punk singles/songs?
** Crisis – UK 78 is such an aggressive and spiky song, a big influence on High Vis.
** Buzzcocks – Ever fallen in love (with someone you shouldn’t have fallen in love with) is the perfect punk/pop song.
** The Down and Outs – Boys from the Blackstuff. This band meant the world to me in my teenage years and this song is especially important.
* A record that will make you dance?
Armand Van Helden – Work me Goddammit ‘96. One of my fave house tunes and always gets me in the mood to dance.
* Your favourite song lyrics?
‘We’re not from England, we’re from Liverpool’ – The Down and Outs
* The best “new” artist / band right now?
I think ‘End It’ from Baltimore are the most exciting hardcore band I’ve seen in a long time:
They have the same energy and urgency of Baltimore bands like Next Step Up, Stout and Trapped Under Ice have but are putting their own twist on the sound.
* Your favourite song about rebellion/revolution?
Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine may be a basic choice, but it’s THE protest song.
* Your favourite song in 2022?
Men I Trust – Billie Toppy
* Your favourite movie about music – and why?
Almost Famous is an absolute classic, who wouldn’t want to be in a touring band after watching it.
* The best song you’ve ever written / recorded?
The song that means the most to us would be ‘Trauma Bonds’. It was written after losing another friend to suicide and felt like a reflection on how we have become numb to grief.
* Your favourite irish artist ever?
There’s an absolute wealth of incredible artists from Ireland but The Cranberries hold a special place in my heart for their ability to beautifully capture emotional tension.
* Your favourite cover artwork?

At the risk of sounding self-involved, I’m really proud of the cover of our album ‘Blending’! It’s a piece of marbled concrete that was photographed before we took it into a studio a smashed it into pieces. We were thinking a lot about impermanence and the rejection of object attachment.
* Fontaines D.C., Idles or Sleaford Mods – which one do you prefer and why?
I love how stripped down and pissed off Sleaford Mods are. There’s a real punk link there too as they took our mates in ‘Lowest Form’ out on tour.
* Your favourite german song/record?
I really like Schwefelgelb’s ‘Der Rest Der Nacht’ which came out a while ago. I went to see them play in a tiny club in Newcastle and it was so sick.
* Your favourite record of all time?

It would have to be Black Sabbath’s self titled LP or Appetite for Destruction by Guns ‘n’ Roses. Both play a big part in the soundtrack to my early life and love of music.
(Antworten: Frontmann Graham Sayle)
Das neue Album von High Vis ist bereits erschienen.
High Vis auf der Bühne:
16.02. Hamburg – Headcrash (AUSVERKAUFT!)
17.02. Berlin – Lido (AUSVERKAUFT!)